New Ways of Thinking and Revolutionary Common Sense

Disability Is Natural Books and Media

Like the patchwork of a quilt, we all fit together somehow. We all touch one another; sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. And our positions—our personal philosophies and actions—have an impact on the children and adults with disabilities who are in our lives.

Have you thought about your position lately? Some people do; they try to continually learn more, and then revise their positions. This may be an easy change or a soul-searching struggle. There are others who seldom or never examine their positions; they wear them day in and day out, like a comfortable pair of shoes: things are fine just the way they are, thank you very much. Employees of a bureaucracy must usually follow the position dictated by the policies and procedures of their employer: one’s personal position may be irrelevant. In this case, some folks may embrace the bureaucratic position; others tolerate it and grumble often; others chafe under it, try to change it, and/or move on to another job that more closely matches their personal position.

There are, it seems, people whose positions are truly moral; that is, their personal philosophy and actions toward people with disabilities and disability issues are born out of a passionate belief about “right and wrong.” The position of others may have nothing to do with morals. Instead, their philosophy (if you can call it that) and/or their actions represent “indifferent efficiency”​ . . .  Click here to continue.

Regardless of your relationship with a person who has a disability—whether you’re a parent, other family member, service provider, educator, physician, or have some other role—your position matters!

Kathie Snow

From Pity to Equality:​ What's Your Position?