Disability Is Natural Books and Media

 In 1975, Congress passed special education law, P.L. 94-142, now called IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Prior to this landmark legislation, millions of children with disabilities were not allowed to attend public school. Some states had their own special education laws, affording some children with disabilities some educational rights; other states had none. The new Federal law mandated that all children with disabilities, in all states, receive a free, appropriate public education. For many years, I (like millions of other parents) have been thankful for IDEA—knowing that, without it, my son might not have been able to attend public school. But I’m beginning to question just how serious our nation is about educating students with disabilities. . . . 

Children who are covered under IDEA are (based on the language of the law) supposed to start out in the least restrictive setting of the general ed environment, and they are not to be removed from that setting unless they’re unable to learn in the general ed environment (with supports, assistive technology, curriculum modifications, etc.). Click here to continue.

Is Our Nation Serious About

Educating Students with Disabilities?

It is our American habit if we find the foundations of our education structure unsatisfactory to add another story or wing. We find it easier to add a new story or course or kind of school than to reorganize existing conditions so as to meet the need.

John Dewey


New Ways of Thinking and Revolutionary Common Sense