Disability Is Natural Books and Media

Shouldn’t we question diagnoses that have no scientific "proof"—especially those that are becoming more "popular" (known as "epidemics" in the medical community)? And shouldn’t we take our time before deciding to accept a diagnosis (at the risk of being diagnosed, ourselves, with something that might be called "refusal to accept diagnosis disorder")?

Kathie Snow

The Dangerous DSM-IV

Where do labels come from? Many are generated by the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-4th Edition), the bible of “mental disorders” used by psychiatrists, psychologists, and others in the medical field (and some who aren’t), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

A review of many of the diagnoses in this book led me to believe I could be considered “borderline” for a variety of different “disorders.” (And so might you!) The DSM-IV scares me, and I’m not alone. In Plato Not Prozac: Applying Eternal Wisdom to Everyday Problems, author and psychologist Lou Marinoff, Ph.D., sounds an alarm when he shares that in 1952, the DSM-I listed 112 disorders. Today, 374 disorders have been “identified.” He adds, “In the 1980s, psychiatrists estimated that one in ten Americans was mentally ill. In the 1990s, it was one in two. Soon it will be everyone—except, of course, for the psychiatrists. They find ‘mental illness’ everywhere—except in the laboratory—and prescribe as many drugs as your insurance company will pay for.” Click here to continue.


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